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  • June 20th, 2024

100+ PhD Nursing Dissertation Topics: Top Advice from Professionals

Nursing professionals are crucial in enhancing the standard of care and adhering to evidence-based practice because they are front-line workers. In this situation, a PhD programme in nursing provides nursing practitioners with numerous options to enhance the standard of care in a healthcare setting while using the information in their own clinical practice.

However, finding a nursing-related PhD topic might be difficult for students juggling other obligations and close patient contact. It is crucial for the PhD nursing researchers to create pertinent research papers that are correctly formatted, founded on thorough investigation, and in-depth. Nurses can concentrate on PhD nursing research subjects that have already been considered to simplify the process. The next part, My assignment writing helps offers 100 of the best Ph.D. nursing dissertation topics that nurses can use to write relevant research papers for their dissertations.

  • Pregnancy and childbirth are part of the lived experience of women with disabilities.
  • Living with eating disorders: a lived experience.
  • Palliative care patients’ actual feelings when they seek assistance.
  • A qualitative study on anxiety and depression in new mothers.During pregnancy, 
  • COVID-19 complications.
  • Prevention of postpartum depression through an associate assistant 
  •  Hypoglycemia with newborns and preventive measures
  •  New strategies for ageing adults to maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • The effects of nutrition and physical activity on ageing in people over 65.
  • Suitable therapies for reducing barriers to quitting smoking and improving quitting rates.
  • Disability-related experiences with women during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Women’s lived experiences with eating disorders
  • Patients’ firsthand accounts of receiving palliative care
  • A Qualitative Study on Depression and Anxiety among New Mothers
  • Complications of COVID-19 during pregnancy
  • Prevention of postpartum depression through peer support
  • Newborn hypoglycemia and protective measures
  • New strategies for ageing adults to maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Diet and exercise effects on ageing in an older person
  • Interventions that are appropriate for enhancing Barriers to quitting smoking and smoking cessation
  • The contribution of health promotion to the decline of STIs
  • New methods and the usage of e-cigarettes are suggested as ways to stop smoking.
  • Health Promotion’s Role in boosting immunisation rates in rural areas
  • Ways to prevent coronary artery disorders
  • Interventions that are appropriate for improving memory and executive function in older persons
  • Effective endometritis reduction strategies
  • Relationship between social media and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle
  • Workplace wellness initiatives to cut back on nurse staff
  • Journaling and meditation function in enhancing nursing students’ ability to take care of themselves
  • Low-fat, high-protein diets and their effects on diabetes and cardiovascular health
  • New approaches to lessen exposure to cancer risk elements
  • Prevention measures for atopy
  • Relationship between obesity and good eating practises
  • Early cancer screening’s role in preventing the disease
  •  Urinary Tract Infection with the Indwelling Catheter
  • The understanding and opinions of nurses on information on choosing a catheter and taking precautions against urinary tract infections
  • Common moral problems in caring for patients with disabilities
  • Yoga’s Effectiveness in treating cancer sufferers’ Lymphedema
  • Relationship between first-year nursing students’ resilience and cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Whether or not hospital no-interruption rooms are successful in lowering nursing staff errors related to patient care
  • Nurse supervisors’ roles in preventing nursing staff turnover.
  • The benefits of early parental training for helping a kid with disabilities
  • Prostate cancer prevention strategies
  • The midwifery and nursing professions’ use of spirituality Information and opinions about C-sections held by nursing professionals
  • The relationship between lung cancer and air pollution
  • The relationship between COPD and asthma
  • Common problems with telehealth that relate to confidentiality
  • Socioeconomic determinants of health’s contribution to the decline in health-seeking Behaviour
  • Immune suppressants’ role in increasing kidney transplant success rates the role of health promotion in preventing HIV
  • Increased risk of lung fibrosis due to Covid19
  • Efforts for workplace well-being for professionals who are compassionately worn out
  • The application of healthcare classification to enhance nurse assessment.
  • The role of a complete medical treatment programme in enhancing hospital drug administration.
  • Registered nurses’ opinions and expertise on foam-based dressings for injuries.
  • Nurses’ role in promoting informed approval.
  • The function of assigned taking decisions in enhancing dementia patients’ autonomy.
  • Enhancing cross-disciplinary cooperation through workplace health promotion.
  • Healthcare Policy and nurse autonomy: A Relationship
  • The opinions and information about birth control held by registered nurses
  • Nurses’ understanding of and proficiency with nursing informatics
  • A DNP’s contribution to bettering nursing practise
  • Radiotherapy’s Effects on Cancer affected patients
  • Research on kid’s reactions to tolerating pain
  • The function of a thorough programme on nonverbal communication
  • Outbreaks of disease: the importance of health promotion
  • Interventions to lower the suicide rate among veterans
  • Role of violent behaviour and ward design
  • Improvement of care quality in the mental well-being of nursing: The role of the recovery-oriented approach
  • The importance of nursing advocacy in enhancing racial minorities’ patients’ access to care
  • Improved nursing diagnosis and documentation through thorough training and workshops
  • Patients’ opinions of cognitive behavioural therapy delivered via video
  • Effects of dry needling on lower extremity pain patients’ self-reported outcomes
  • EYA1’s Contribution to neuroblastoma cell growth
  • Moa gene’s role in aggression
  • Nature versus nurture: How to avoid being a sociopath
  • The opinions and information about abortion held by registered nurses
  • The understanding of registered nurses in relation to providing care that is culturally competent
  • Effect of IL-21 on the Homeostasis of Newborn T-cells
  • Collecting duct intercalated cells’ differentiation is momentarily shifted by maternal acidity.
  • mRNA for inherent immune defence develops in the collecting duct.
  • Strategies to Raise Native Americans’ Understanding of ancestral medicine
  • Regarding older individuals’ malnutrition, registered nurses’ opinions and knowledge
  • Lowering clinical-related Anxiety in Nursing Students
  • Nursing robotics
  • Twitter as a source for nursing investigation
  • Nursing assistance for family members to provide at-home hospice care
  • In a forensic mental health inpatient environment, risk assessment and subsequent nurse interventions
  • Interventions by nurses to speed up the grieving procedure
  • Treatments in nursing for autoimmune disease transplanting stem cells from one’s own body
  • Nursing treatments for quitting smoking: contributing component
  • Healthcare treatments for sex issues.
  • Social media initiatives for hyperglycemia.
  • Determining how ectopic activation of Hh signalling affects the alveolar epithelium’s development.

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  • Extraction of cortical collecting channels from rabbit kidney by laser capture microdissection.
  • Standard components of a peer support intervention keep female high school students from committing suicide.
  • The development of a shared theory in palliative care to boost nursing competency.
  • Nursing knowledge and skills for clinical handover Nursing information and skills for caring for patients who identify as LGBTQ.
  •  Cortical gathering tubes were removed from the rabbit kidney using laser capture microdissection.
  • Female high school students who participate in peer encouragement interventions avoid suicide by using conventional elements.
  • The creation of a common theory for palliative care to improve nurse proficiency.
  • Clinical transition knowledge and abilities in nursing Knowledge and abilities in nursing for treating individuals who define as LGBTQ.
  • An accurate and thorough method to ascertain whether males have experienced physical assault is the prevalence of administering painkillers right after a surgical incision.
  • Factors influencing the lack of social care for patients from varied ethnic backgrounds
  • Interventions by nurses in the management of diabetic nephropathy
  • Using social media to strengthen relationships between patients and nurses
  • Measures to lessen prejudice against overseas students
  • Breast cancer self-care Techniques and nursing interventions
  • Hospital admission rates for TB and other HAI
  • Nursing solutions for sleeping problems.

Assign our PhD nursing dissertation help and make an exceptional assignment for your upcoming coursework. We provide a flawless, and creative dissertation on time that enhance your academic grade.

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